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A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

As you name the boat, so shall it float. Our tips on how to choose a good domain name for your website.

May 25, 2016 at 2:37 pm

There are several important criteria of a correctly chosen domain. It goes without saying that your own brand's name should hit the bull's eye.

1. Short and Memorable

This is item one. A short domain name can kill two birds with one stone. First of all, it is ideal for your brand development; secondly, this domain is easier to place on logos, flyers and various brochures; thirdly, one needs much effort to make a mistake in a short written word. And of course, it is easy to remember. No wonder it is a big problem to find a vacant short domain name. How to choose a domain with a short and memorable name? To do so, one should have some imagination ;)

A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

2. Reflecting Your Business

Try and use the principle of minimalism: put as much sense as possible into as few words as you can ( in our case, a one word domain name is perfect ). You need a talent for this. When your domain name causes the right association and captures the essence of your business your potential customer does not need to search for information about you online. When visiting your website he already has an idea about your resource.

A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

3. Try to Avoid Coincidences

If a version of the website name you have found is very similar to that of a big and well-known brand, it does not necessarily mean that it will make you advertising. In the worst case, you can have a heap of problems with lawyers of large companies. This is not exactly what we wanted, right? ;)

A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

4. Decide on Territorial Affiliation

How to choose a domain taking into account the territorial issue?I On identifying your target audience you can easily register a domain in the corresponding domain zone. It is quite evident that if your target audience is from the west, a .ru domain will be rather unattractive. There are exceptions, though. For example, for the Russian-speaking Internet, .com domains are perceived as quite adequate. Nowadays there is are a lot of interesting domain zones (.pro, .online, .market, .biz etc.), which means you can find a nice ending to the name of your website.

A Bit of Imagination and Marketing. How to Choose a Domain Name for Your Project?

5. How to Choose a Domain Name Without Numbers?

Such a widely used manner of writing "2" instead of "To", "4" instead of "For", "u" instead of "You" etc. is often triggered against the one who uses it. Depending on the importance of your company, this manner of writing your domain name can influence you and your brand quite negatively. Think twice before you use such a name: do you really need it? Perhaps in some creative and entertainment areas it will be quite OK, but it is definitely not meant for major corporations.

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