wordstat.yandex.ru is one of the most popular Runet services among "bearded" SEOs, and this is the subject of today's article.
Wordstat can effectively evaluate the popularity and potential of different subjects by displaying query statistics that users enter into search engines. Besides, there are such possibilities as: selecting relevant keywords in the chosen niche, finding the right keywords for promotion, and forming a semantic core for the promotion of the whole website.
The service interface is quite simple and easy to use despite its age. With proper use of the service, you can improve your skills of website promotion.
How to use wordstat.yandex?
To begin with, you need to login to Yandex with your username. Now you can get down to selection of phrases that are of interest to you.
In the lefthand column we can see the Yandex queries statistics on the phrase and all of its word forms, in our case, the request is "landing page constructor", and below there are query options, our main inquiry included. It should be noted that initially the service gives us all inquiries that include our word combination, that is, if "landing page constructor" was requested 2784 times per month, these 2784 times include all the possible options with the phrase "landing page constructor". In the righthand column there are prompts, that is, the phrases users were looking for together with "landing page constructor".
Let us consider some other options available to us:
- by region
Here you can see specific countries, regions and cities the needed search phrases come from. You can also view request statistics on mobile devices.This option is particularly relevant for regional projects, and required to be used under the circumstances.
- Queries history
Here you can see the dynamics of the requests for a certain period of time. This is a very useful feature when you want to predict the demand for various keywords.
This is one of the most important features of the service. There are several types of "operators" that allow you to get the most accurate results on demand. We strongly recommend you to get to know the facilities of this function on Yandex Online Support.