Some administrators mistakenly believe that it is only extremely large and important projects that are hacked. Far from it. Websites can be hacked just for the sake of having fun, to say nothing of hackers who organise DDoS attacks by hacking thousands of sites, and then redirect the traffic to these sites for their own purposes.

1. Password
Abstain from using as a password simple words, combinations of numbers, names, birthdays. If you work in one and the same company please do not use the same password for all its employees. Many people use the same passwords for different services, be it email, social network or online banking. Having learned your email password one can easily use it for your online bank account and so on. Ideally, passwords should be stored in written form on paper in a secure place.

2. Add Your Website to Search Engine Services
How to protect your website by using Yandex and Google? Add it to Yandex.Webmaster and Google for webmasters! These services alert the sites from its base on the presence of malicious codes. The main thing is to be ready for rapid change of the access data of your website.

3. Avoid Authorisation in Public Places
It is a very bad idea to work on your website using public wi-fi or, for example, a computer at the reception desk of a hotel available to all. Intercepting your login information will be no problem even for an inexperienced hacker who can use a number of special programs. As for public computers, people simply forget to log out of their websites, social networks, email etc.

4. Refrain from a Variety of Plug-ins on the Website
Plugins are and absolutely uncontrolled source of malicious code. Any interesting feature and its supplement, be it an online chat or unknown visitors counter can contain a variety of traps. You should filter carefully the plugins installed on your resource.

5. Be Careful and Accurate
How to protect yoursite web from an unexpected hacker's attack? There is nothing easier than paying attention to the address bar when entering any personal information. In fact, there is no problem making a fake website login page of a social network or anywhere else - and your data will go to...

... now you know to WHOM ;)