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Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Google Keep is a functional service notes and reminders.

June 5, 2016 at 11:28 pm

We go on introducing the services of Google. In today's hectic lifestyle it is very important to have time to perform all scheduled tasks and not to forget anything. The notes service Google Keep was just meant to help us plan our day properly. The app is available both in the web-version and the Android and iOs platforms. It allows you to set a list of tasks, to remind you of the priority of different things to do, as well as to save and organise various notes.

Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Due to the well thought-out simplicity of the Google Keep interface, we can add notes without reading the FAQ. We shall consider it in detail using the example of the browser version. After installing the extension for Google Chrome there is the only window for us to write the first note.

You can add one or more photos to the note, so it should be more noticeable. Put down the title, subtitle and the date to be reminded.

Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Another function is archiving. Sometimes you need to restore some note that was previously deleted. Google Keep has a basket which keeps all the removed notes for 7 days. Use different colours for your notes depending on their importance.

Plan Your Day with Google Keep!

Voice messages are unlikely to surprise somebody; in case of Google Keep you can say the necessary words/sentences, and your voice will be instantly transformed into a written text. Very convenient. Sort your notes, use the search function, if something is lost, everything is implemented at the highest level!

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