Every day we get more and more orders for new websites' development. To maintain IQSites at the highest level, we draw up an effective plan for the whole working day. Each new order is carefully thought over and discussed by the team usually consisting of a web designer, copywriter and chief specialist.
We study the subject of the future website carefully, get imbued with it, and prepare first class materials.
How to make a website better than that of competitors?
It is the question that we ask ourselves before starting to work on a new project. Therefore, the starting point is the analysis of competitors;) We make websites so that the customer should immediately understand who is better when comparing our website to his/her search results;).
Our Customers' Enthusiasm Is Our Strong Motivator.
While our inspired designer is preparing materials for the future site the copywriter is working on an enticing text that can help selling products/services. The atmosphere of our office is very favourable. We believe it is very important for the success of the future website.
So, the structure is made, the text prepared, the overall visual style of the project outlined. The chief specialist evaluates the job with all his experience and keen eye, and gives his OK for starting the layout of the site. There is one most simple thing left to do: to gradually make a new website with the help of the constructor using all our experience and at the same time coming up with new ideas. And here you are - another gorgeous resource is ready!
As a rule, our clients do not hide their positive emotions, and immediately ask us to promote their new websites. In some cases, they send us a list of additional requirements. We make quick changes and summarise the results of the job done.
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