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How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

Want to create a landing page with a decent conversion? It's time to reveal some basic rules of a good Landing Page.

May 8, 2016 at 3:54 pm

Online sales are relevant as never before! For the last few years this problem has been successfully solved by the well-made one page selling website.

The Landing Page, One Page is a website consisting of just one page; its task is to interest the customer in a product / service as soon as possible. Today, modern and absent-minded Internet users will not read long poems and or texts where you praise your product. So, the selling landing page should include only the most necessary information we are going to talk talk about.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

Simple Structure

We should start from this. Divide your page into the required number of sections so that each one should be devoted to a specific question. This is what makes up a high-capacity selling page:

- Bright header
- USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
- Product/service description
- Our way of working
- Call to action
- Capture Form

The number of sections and content can vary depending on what is being sold. Be responsible for each item, for it is the foundation of your success!

1. Bright Header. Give a title to the products/sevices you sell for the visiter to understand what you are after.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

2. USP (Unique Selling Proposition). Give a brief outline of your product/service (in 3-5 words); remember: your aim is to "inflame" visitors. The role of USP is to create a wonderful atmosphere and motivate a purchase. Avoid standard, hackneyed phrases. Come up with something loud and grandiose. Here are a couple of famous USPs from Steve Jobs.

From the presentation of the first iPhone :

"Today Apple reinvents the phone"

From the presentation of iPod:

"1000 songs in your pocket"
How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

3. Description. Creating a landing page is impossible without a first class description. Use all your information about the product, emphasize all its strengths. Sell a dream, not just a physical object or service. This is the way Howard Schultz, founder of Starbucks, sells to its clients not a nice cup of coffee, but the second place between home and work ;). Do not forget to decorate your content with high quality images and beautiful video clips. Visual components provide significant advantages.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

4. Our Way of Working. Many landing pages have this section. Make 3-5 steps that can describe in simple words the ordering and delivery process. This will help you look more trustworthy.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

5. Call to Action. After a good shake-up with your selling proposition, a high quality description and illustration of your product/service all you need is making your customer act. Here some experiments with your creativity will be helpful.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

6. Capture Form. This is the place where the visitor will enter his/her contact information and turn from just a visitor to a desired customer. Usually capture forms are placed at the beginning and the end of the selling page; however it would be better to put the USP and background image at the top of the page, and place the capture form at the bottom. You can experiment and try different variations.

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

How and Where to Crete a Landing Page?

You can do it with the help of IQSites Landing Page Constructor daily used by thousands of people for creating first class selling pages. You do not need any advanced knowledge to create your own landing page with bright, modern decor. With to the unique system of widgets, the process is quick and comfortable!

How to Create Landing Pages That Inspire Purchasing?

So, you decided to create a landing page? Подписывайтесь на наш блог! Мы уже готовим массу новых, полезных идей для Вашего будущего Landing Page.

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